2022-06-01: What If Physics IS NOT Describing Reality?
- 04:05: ... like quantum indeterminacy, entanglement, and the uncertainty principle turn out to be the expected behaviors of this sort of information ...
- 08:49: ... to some other staples of quantum theory - like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. In a previous episode we saw how the uncertainty principle arises ...
2021-12-10: 2021 End of Year AMA!
- 00:02: ... perfectly defined momentum and as we know from the heisenberg uncertainty principle if a particle has perfectly defined position perfectly defined ...
2021-08-18: How Vacuum Decay Would Destroy The Universe
- 04:42: ... Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that there’s a fundamental uncertainty in - ...
2021-07-07: Electrons DO NOT Spin
- 10:51: And by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle increasing your knowledge of one, means increasing the unknowability of the other.
2021-06-16: Can Space Be Infinitely Divided?
- 03:47: ... where this is going - we’re about to discover the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Bare with me though with just a touch of ...
- 04:49: ... experiment the Heisenberg microscope. We now know that the uncertainty principle is far more fundamental than just the effect of disturbing ...
- 05:08: ... point I want to focus on today is that through the uncertainty principle we see that the Planck constant represents the limit to ...
- 08:37: ... that volume down as much as possible. But the Heisenberg uncertainty principle says that when we do that we increase the uncertainty ...
- 03:47: ... where this is going - we’re about to discover the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Bare with me though with just a touch of ...
- 08:37: ... that volume down as much as possible. But the Heisenberg uncertainty principle says that when we do that we increase the uncertainty in momentum ...
2021-05-25: What If (Tiny) Black Holes Are Everywhere?
- 11:17: ... not aliens yet, and then the one on how to mess with the limits of the uncertainty principle in detecting gravitational ...
- 13:36: ... onto the episode where we looked at how the Heisenberg uncertainty principle can be gamed to improve measurements - in particular in gravitational ...
- 15:08: ... of you criticized our title from last week - we called it “Breaking the Uncertainty Principle”, but you rightly - if pedantically - pointed out that it should have been ...
2021-05-19: Breaking The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- 00:07: And in some cases succeeding, by squeezing the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to its breaking point.
- 00:47: ... against the absolute quantum limit - the limit defined by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. ...
- 01:05: Today we’re going to see how the uncertainty principle can be hacked to make measurements more precisely than should ever be possible.
- 01:13: ... Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that there exists a fundamental unknowability to nature - an ...
- 01:41: ... we call these pairs of properties complementary variables, and the uncertainty principle tells us that the uncertainties in our knowledge of such a pair, when ...
- 01:58: Werner Heisenberg discovered the uncertainty principle when he was inventing his version of quantum mechanics back in the 1920s.
- 02:05: That version is called matrix mechanics, but we get the same uncertainty principle using the wave mechanics of Schrodinger.
- 02:13: ... to think about it - so to get an idea of the fundamental source of the uncertainty principle, you can watch our episode on how it comes about from thinking about ...
- 02:56: Basically, he thought the uncertainty principle arose as a result of the measurement disturbing the system.
- 03:13: He thought the uncertainty principle was hinting at a far more fundamental law of the universe.
- 04:10: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle prevents us from being able to know everything about a quantum state all at once.
- 04:23: Remember, the uncertainty principle places a lower limit on the product of the uncertainties of pairs of complementary properties.
- 04:47: ... that enable us to manipulate quantum states to push the limits of the uncertainty principle. ...
- 06:21: And this is where the uncertainty principle comes in.
- 06:53: Unless we can hack the uncertainty principle.
- 07:25: ... light from a laser beam obeys the Heisenberg uncertainty principle in a very specific way—it has equal amounts of uncertainty in its two ...
- 07:35: ... area of the circle is proportional to Planck’s constant, satisfying the uncertainty principle. ...
- 10:17: ... willing to bend a few fundamental laws - in this case, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle - we can push the limit beyond what we thought possible to force ever ...
- 02:56: Basically, he thought the uncertainty principle arose as a result of the measurement disturbing the system.
- 04:23: Remember, the uncertainty principle places a lower limit on the product of the uncertainties of pairs of complementary properties.
- 04:10: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle prevents us from being able to know everything about a quantum state all at once.
- 01:13: ... Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that there exists a fundamental unknowability to nature - an absolute ...
- 01:41: ... we call these pairs of properties complementary variables, and the uncertainty principle tells us that the uncertainties in our knowledge of such a pair, when ...
2021-04-21: The NEW Warp Drive Possibilities
- 17:32: ... but now But now I see it’s an ancient viking metaphor for the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. ...
2020-11-11: Can Free Will be Saved in a Deterministic Universe?
- 08:05: ... is a direct consequence of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which tells us that measuring one property perfectly leaves a ...
2020-10-20: Is The Future Predetermined By Quantum Mechanics?
- 04:15: At least as far as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle allows.
2020-04-22: Will Wormholes Allow Fast Interstellar Travel?
- 12:51: ... of spacetime may fluctuate wildly, its form shifting due to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. The result is what we call the spacetime foam, and it may imply that ...
2020-01-06: How To Detect a Neutrino
- 04:46: ... sort of cheats energy conservation by taking advantage of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, ♪ ♪ which tells us that there's a fundamental uncertainty ♪ ♪ between ...
2019-08-06: What Caused the Big Bang?
- 08:29: ... to randomly fluctuate to different values, thanks to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. ...
2019-05-09: Why Quantum Computing Requires Quantum Cryptography
- 04:21: Each highlights a different fundamental weirdness of quantum mechanics – the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and quantum entanglement.
- 04:38: ... uncertainty principle tells us that we cannot simultaneously know the values of certain pairs ...
- 06:37: You just switched between different quantum representations of reality and then back again, and so invoked the uncertainty principle.
- 04:38: ... uncertainty principle tells us that we cannot simultaneously know the values of certain pairs of ...
2019-03-06: The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines
- 06:55: Due to the intrinsic quantum randomness of all particles, as expressed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, everything moves.
2018-10-31: Are Virtual Particles A New Layer of Reality?
- 07:29: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that the perfectly defined momenta of virtual particles means completely undefined position.
- 09:20: ... mechanics, nothing can be so exact-- thanks, again, to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. ...
- 07:29: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that the perfectly defined momenta of virtual particles means completely undefined position.
2018-09-20: Quantum Gravity and the Hardest Problem in Physics
- 05:50: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us the minimum energy of our beam for a given precision.
- 06:28: Steady viewers will remember that the uncertainty principle talks about the trade-off between position and momentum.
- 06:37: The uncertainty principle also defines the precision trade-off between time and energy.
- 06:54: For those of you who already watched our episode on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, here's another way to think about this.
- 06:28: Steady viewers will remember that the uncertainty principle talks about the trade-off between position and momentum.
- 05:50: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us the minimum energy of our beam for a given precision.
2018-08-23: How Will the Universe End?
- 16:09: In practice, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle makes this impossible.
2018-05-23: Why Quantum Information is Never Destroyed
- 07:58: But all of this talk of quantum mechanics being deterministic seems a bit at odds with the idea of quantum randomness and the uncertainty principle.
- 08:18: And the precision of the knowability of that value is defined by the uncertainty principle.
2018-01-10: What Do Stars Sound Like?
- 05:05: We've spoken in depth about Fourier analysis in a recent episode on understanding the uncertainty principle, so I won't go to too much detail here.
2017-12-13: The Origin of 'Oumuamua, Our First Interstellar Visitor
- 10:36: Well we generalize frequency as momentum because the Heisenberg uncertainty principle applies to momentum in general.
2017-12-06: Understanding the Uncertainty Principle with Quantum Fourier Series
- 00:16: ... wave is going to open the door to really understanding Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and ultimately, quantum fields and Hawking ...
- 00:28: [MUSIC PLAYING] One of the most difficult ideas to swallow in quantum mechanics is Werner Heisenberg's famous uncertainty principle.
- 00:49: See, the apparent weirdness of the uncertainty principle hints at an even weirder underlying reality that gives rise to it.
- 01:31: But as you'll see today, in that unraveling, we are led unavoidably to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
- 01:40: The uncertainty principle is most often expressed in terms of position and momentum.
- 02:06: The uncertainty principle exists alongside this observer effect.
- 02:16: To understand the origin of the uncertainty principle, we don't need to know any quantum mechanics, at least not to start with.
- 02:29: However, it turns out that something like the uncertainty principle arises in any wave mechanics.
- 05:41: That sounds an awful lot like a frequency-time uncertainty principle for sound waves.
- 05:47: ... about the fundamental knowability of a sound wave, as is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, it's more a statement about the sampling of frequencies needed to ...
- 09:40: So that's exactly the uncertainty principle.
- 10:45: The uncertainty principle, therefore, tells us that they must be completely unconstrained in position.
- 11:59: ... series, "Quantum Mechanics," which includes a great episode on the uncertainty principle. ...
- 02:29: However, it turns out that something like the uncertainty principle arises in any wave mechanics.
- 02:06: The uncertainty principle exists alongside this observer effect.
- 00:49: See, the apparent weirdness of the uncertainty principle hints at an even weirder underlying reality that gives rise to it.
2017-11-02: The Vacuum Catastrophe
- 00:44: We saw in our recent episode that we can thank the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for this bizarre behavior.
- 01:55: ... satisfy the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the vacuum state of any fuel oscillation must be half of the tiny Planck ...
2017-10-25: The Missing Mass Mystery
- 12:09: The energy is borrowed from the energy of the vacuum for the minuscule time allowed by the uncertainty principle.
2017-10-19: The Nature of Nothing
- 01:09: ... perfectly defined, and this is impossible according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. ...
- 03:34: But here we run up against that pesky Heisenberg's uncertainty principle once again.
- 05:33: But the ultimate price is that virtual particles can exist only for the instant allowed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
2017-10-11: Absolute Cold
- 05:04: The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle tells us that there is an absolute limit in the knowability of particular combinations of properties.
- 06:21: For example, the quantum fields that fill our universe also fluctuate due to the Uncertainty Principle resulting in what we know as vacuum energy.
- 07:24: For example, Brian Greene's Exploring Quantum History delves much more deeply into the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
- 05:04: The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle tells us that there is an absolute limit in the knowability of particular combinations of properties.
2017-07-07: Feynman's Infinite Quantum Paths
- 00:36: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that the more precisely we try to define one property, the less definable is its counterpart.
2016-12-08: What Happens at the Event Horizon?
- 15:51: More generally, it allows pilot wave theory to agree with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
- 15:57: In the Copenhagen interpretation, the uncertainty principle describes the intrinsic randomness of the quantum world.
2016-06-22: Planck's Constant and The Origin of Quantum Mechanics
- 01:35: ... and more formally, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, describes the smallest distance for which an object's location can be ...
- 02:12: ... Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the de Broglie wavelength, but also the Schrodinger equation, the ...
- 01:35: ... and more formally, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, describes the smallest distance for which an object's location can be meaningfully ...
2016-06-01: Is Quantum Tunneling Faster than Light?
- 09:07: ... accurately, it's within the uncertainty range defined by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which is perhaps the deeper principle from which the de Broglie ...
2015-12-09: How to Build a Black Hole
- 03:15: ... of quantum theory, the Pauli exclusion principle and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. ...
- 05:10: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that the properties of a quantum entity are fundamentally uncertain.
- 06:04: ... Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that particular pairs of quantities, position and momentum or ...
- 06:32: Therefore, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that they must have highly undefined momenta.
- 05:10: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that the properties of a quantum entity are fundamentally uncertain.
- 06:04: ... Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that particular pairs of quantities, position and momentum or time ...
- 06:32: Therefore, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that they must have highly undefined momenta.