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2022-11-09: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?

  • 20:06: ... considered the ghost particles from our recent standard model lagrangian episode, Schrodinger’s half-dead cat, phantom energy, ...

2022-10-26: Why Did Quantum Entanglement Win the Nobel Prize in Physics?

  • 15:54: And then the one were were went through the entire Lagrangian equation of the standard model of particle physics.
  • 17:55: ... of you commented to say that you enjoyed seeing the Standard Model Lagrangian laid out in full, even though you couldn’t  necessarily ...
  • 18:10: ... several years of coursework to get close to being able to use the standard model Lagrangian to do real ...
  • 18:33: A few of you wondered whether the ghosts in the standard model Lagrangian might be a hint at new physics beyond the standard model.
  • 17:55: ... of you commented to say that you enjoyed seeing the Standard Model Lagrangian laid out in full, even though you couldn’t  necessarily follow the ...
  • 18:10: ... several years of coursework to get close to being able to use the standard model Lagrangian to do real ...
  • 18:33: A few of you wondered whether the ghosts in the standard model Lagrangian might be a hint at new physics beyond the standard model.

2022-10-19: The Equation That Explains (Nearly) Everything!

  • 00:00: ... Standard Model of particle physics is arguably the most successful theory in the ...
  • 00:34: But to fit the standard model lagrangian on a coffee mug you need to condense it massively.
  • 01:02: ... a while now, with episodes on all of the individual components of the Standard Model. We finally have what we need to bring it together. Let’s start by ...
  • 02:51: ... behave? And how do you wrap it all up in a single equation that is the Standard Model Lagrangian? The key is this Lagrangian thing, so let’s talk about ...
  • 04:36: ... that has our symmetries of interest. And that is exactly what the Standard Model Lagrangian is. I’m obliged to point out that this is technically not a ...
  • 06:02: ... momentum according to the symmetries of each force. Some parts of the standard model lagrangian deal with bosons, other parts with fermions, and still others ...
  • 13:07: ... the Higgs boson itself. That particle was the last prediction of the Standard Model to be verified, and that happened 10 years ago at the large hadron ...
  • 14:00: ... particle”. There may be unknown particles that are not covered by the standard model or its lagrangian. In fact there probably are - whatever makes up dark ...
  • 14:43: ... despite all this, the standard model lagrangian is an insane victory for physics. It predicts the behavior of ...
  • 00:00: ... The theory is encapsulated in a single equation known as The Standard Model Lagrangian. It's probably the second most famous equation in physics, next to good ...
  • 00:34: But to fit the standard model lagrangian on a coffee mug you need to condense it massively.
  • 02:51: ... behave? And how do you wrap it all up in a single equation that is the Standard Model Lagrangian? The key is this Lagrangian thing, so let’s talk about ...
  • 04:36: ... that has our symmetries of interest. And that is exactly what the Standard Model Lagrangian is. I’m obliged to point out that this is technically not a Lagrangian, ...
  • 06:02: ... momentum according to the symmetries of each force. Some parts of the standard model lagrangian deal with bosons, other parts with fermions, and still others - perhaps ...
  • 13:07: ... Higgs boson “completed” the standard model, just as we’ve finished the standard model lagrangian. ...
  • 14:43: ... despite all this, the standard model lagrangian is an insane victory for physics. It predicts the behavior of the ...

2022-09-14: Could the Higgs Boson Lead Us to Dark Matter?

  • 00:12: It was the final piece needed to confirm the standard model of particle physics as that model now stands.
  • 00:19: But there are still many outstanding questions for example, it seems like nothing in the standard model can explain what dark matter is.
  • 01:33: We know that there’s some source of gravity out there in the universe NOT caused by the particles of the standard model.
  • 02:37: This particular diagram shows a dark matter particle scattering off a standard model particle in some way.
  • 02:44: The standard model particle could be a quark, an electron, or anything that makes up normal matter.
  • 04:48: ... become dark matter that’s created from the annihilation of some standard model particles. Now some theorists believe we could see this, by looking at ...
  • 06:19: ... defining characteristic of dark matter.We aren’t left with much in the standard model. ...
  • 07:19: We know that the Higgs field is what gives most of the standard model particles their masses.
  • 12:06: ... standard model predicts that up to 17% of Higgs bosons should decay into invisible ...
  • 02:37: This particular diagram shows a dark matter particle scattering off a standard model particle in some way.
  • 02:44: The standard model particle could be a quark, an electron, or anything that makes up normal matter.
  • 04:48: ... become dark matter that’s created from the annihilation of some standard model particles. Now some theorists believe we could see this, by looking at the ...
  • 07:19: We know that the Higgs field is what gives most of the standard model particles their masses.
  • 12:06: ... standard model predicts that up to 17% of Higgs bosons should decay into invisible neutrinos, so ...

2022-04-27: How the Higgs Mechanism Give Things Mass

  • 16:02: ... The predicted mass of the   W boson takes into account all standard model  particles that could have a ghostly presence   as virtual ...

2021-11-10: What If Our Understanding of Gravity Is Wrong?

  • 13:32: ... there are still plenty of possibilities for what it might be beyond our standard model of particle ...
  • 14:01: ... continue  our exploration of reality, whether we’re led beyond the standard model by dark matter  particles, or beyond general relativity by hidden ...

2021-11-02: Is ACTION The Most Fundamental Property in Physics?

  • 13:23: ... field and its particles tend to evolve. Combining these gives us the Standard Model Lagrangian, which allows us to track the evolution of all quantum fields ...

2021-10-05: Why Magnetic Monopoles SHOULD Exist

  • 17:34: They’re neither fermions nor bosons, so way outside the standard model.

2021-05-11: How To Know If It's Aliens

  • 17:34: ... type of thing, but rather many different types of thing- like a dark standard model. Marc, your idea is so good that some very smart people already thought ...

2021-04-21: The NEW Warp Drive Possibilities

  • 14:04: We’ll start with the muon g-2 result, which revealed a possible a crack in the standard model of particle physics.
  • 15:30: ... least it’s ahead on the final stretch to find that elusive crack in the standard model that may lead to whatever physics lies ...

2021-04-07: Why the Muon g-2 Results Are So Exciting!

  • 00:29: (bright music) The Standard Model of particle physics describes the elementary building blocks of nature with incredible success.
  • 01:51: Of all the incredible successes of the Standard Model, this seems the most miraculous.
  • 01:56: ... comes from the part of the Standard Model that describes how particles with electric charge interact via the ...
  • 02:58: And that something maybe physics beyond the Standard Model.
  • 07:58: ... when we include every possibility encompassed by the Standard Model of particle physics, we get a g-factor that's ever so slightly off the ...

2021-01-26: Is Dark Matter Made of Particles?

  • 01:36: ... best understanding of the subatomic world is given by the Standard Model - which describes the behavior of the known family of particles with ...
  • 01:44: ... is made of these particles, interacting with each other through the standard model forces - the strong and weak nuclear forces and ...
  • 02:51: But gravity is a little different to the other forces - it’s not part of the Standard Model, and we don’t even know if it has a quantum field.
  • 05:41: ... the neutrinos of the standard model move too fast - they are “hot” - and there just isn’t enough mass in ...
  • 05:52: ... really nothing else in the standard model that works - which sounds annoying, but actually gets physicists very ...
  • 06:17: ... experiments here on Earth for evidence of particles that don’t fit the standard model. ...
  • 06:25: The other delves deep into theory - in speculative mathematics beyond the standard model for signs of new particles.
  • 06:42: Actually, we don’t have to go too far beyond the standard model to find our first dark matter candidate.
  • 08:07: ... is an extension of the standard model which proposes that all the regular particles - both matter and ...
  • 08:25: ... expected that these supersymmetric particles are much heavier than their standard model counterparts - and that may explain why we haven’t seen them in our ...
  • 09:03: ... heavy things tend to decay to lighter things, if these can’t decay into Standard Model particles then they’d be stable and long lived- an almost perfect dark ...
  • 01:36: ... best understanding of the subatomic world is given by the Standard Model - which describes the behavior of the known family of particles with ...
  • 08:25: ... expected that these supersymmetric particles are much heavier than their standard model counterparts - and that may explain why we haven’t seen them in our particle ...
  • 01:44: ... is made of these particles, interacting with each other through the standard model forces - the strong and weak nuclear forces and ...
  • 09:03: ... heavy things tend to decay to lighter things, if these can’t decay into Standard Model particles then they’d be stable and long lived- an almost perfect dark matter ...

2020-11-04: Electroweak Theory and the Origin of the Fundamental Forces

  • 13:01: ... the fold, allowing us to collect the full Pokemon-evolution set of the standard model: ...

2020-09-08: The Truth About Beauty in Physics

  • 11:43: ... and it’s the basis for the slightly ugly but fantastically successful standard model of particle ...
  • 15:40: The point is that there are some insanely rare interactions and extremely subtle deviations from the predictions of the standard model.

2020-08-24: Can Future Colliders Break the Standard Model?

  • 04:09: ... enabled the discovery of the final Fermion - or matter particle - in the standard model. ...
  • 04:56: In a sense this was the last missing piece of the standard model - the one remaining particle that physicists thought MUST exist.
  • 05:04: ... would go on to discover many new particles to take us beyond the standard model. ...
  • 05:19: This is an extension to the standard model designed to solve several of its outstanding problems.
  • 05:40: The Higgs particle in particular should have an enormous mass if our Standard Model understanding is the whole picture.
  • 05:48: The fact that the Higgs turns up at a “mere” 100 times the mass of the proton seemed to indicate that something beyond the standard model was needed.
  • 06:44: The Standard Model is complete, but there is no compelling hint of the next direction to take.
  • 06:51: Well it’s clear that the Standard Model is not the whole picture.
  • 06:54: Besides the hierarchy problem, the standard model also doesn’t explain why neutrinos have mass.
  • 10:18: It’ll certainly tell us more about the Higgs, and it may discover that elusive clue to take us beyond the standard model.
  • 04:56: In a sense this was the last missing piece of the standard model - the one remaining particle that physicists thought MUST exist.
  • 05:19: This is an extension to the standard model designed to solve several of its outstanding problems.
  • 05:40: The Higgs particle in particular should have an enormous mass if our Standard Model understanding is the whole picture.
  • 07:07: ... general, to get closer to a theory that unifies our understanding of the Standard Model’s motley zoo of particles and forces, we probably need to achieve higher ...

2020-08-10: Theory of Everything Controversies: Livestream

  • 00:00: ... motivated as james said the last time we have this issue that the standard model of particle physics doesn't want to cooperate with gravity so we're ...

2020-07-28: What is a Theory of Everything: Livestream

  • 00:00: ... basically past all of our tests this particular thing that we call the standard model of particle physics it's passed all of our experimental tests so far ...

2020-07-08: Does Antimatter Explain Why There's Something Rather Than Nothing?

  • 04:48: ... theorem says that, assuming our knowledge of special relativity and the Standard Model are correct, then CPT symmetry must hold. But, we already know that our ...

2020-06-15: What Happens After the Universe Ends?

  • 07:46: The standard model of particle physics predicts eternal electrons.

2020-03-16: How Do Quantum States Manifest In The Classical World?

  • 15:11: ... the course you'll confront the incompatibility between the standard model of physics and general relativity And learn what cutting edge science is ...

2020-02-11: Are Axions Dark Matter?

  • 00:03: ... parts of the tale of the axion - a tale which may take us beyond the standard model and solve one of the most vexing mysteries in ...
  • 05:16: ... no good reason why theta should be zero - at least not within the standard model of particle physics. This fundamental constant may have ended up very ...

2019-11-11: Does Life Need a Multiverse to Exist?

  • 01:02: ... the general theory of relativity and the standard model of particle physics, there are something like 20 independent fundamental ...

2019-08-06: What Caused the Big Bang?

  • 10:26: ... quantum fields. The inflatons decay into the familiar particles of the standard model - quarks, electrons, ...

2019-04-24: No Dark Matter = Proof of Dark Matter?

  • 00:03: ... words we'd see their gravitational lensing all known particles of the standard model of particle physics have likewise been ruled out if dark matter really ...

2019-04-10: The Holographic Universe Explained

  • 10:37: ... rather it was a quantum field theory like the ones that gives us our standard model of particle physics – a Yang-Mills theory, but with supersymmetry added ...
  • 15:28: ... - only a quantum field theory similar to the field theory behind the standard model. ...

2019-01-24: The Crisis in Cosmology

  • 11:48: ...a hypothetical, non-interacting neutrino, that isn't part of the standard model.
  • 13:05: ...or of unknown particles beyond the standard model.

2019-01-16: Our Antimatter, Mirrored, Time-Reversed Universe

  • 03:02: ... to hold not just in an imaginary clocks but also in the particles of the standard model the great parity violating process is the weak interaction which only ...
  • 16:06: ... landscape' is no more of a problem for string theory than it is for the standard model - I totally agree. In fact it's less of a problem for string theory ...
  • 13:52: ... expected if supersymmetry is to also provide a neat resolution to the standard models hierarchy problem but string theory doesn't require supersymmetry to be ...

2018-12-20: Why String Theory is Wrong

  • 13:44: ... principle the standard model lives somewhere in the string landscape, but without knowing the ...

2018-11-14: Supersymmetric Particle Found?

  • 00:14: And the particles the galaxy flings at us may have finally revealed particles beyond the standard model.
  • 00:49: The LHC has thoroughly tested the standard model of particle physics.
  • 00:59: But the standard model isn't the end of the story.
  • 01:30: ... is a proposed extension to the standard model, designed to fix certain issues with the theory, the most serious issue ...
  • 01:59: ... and bosons is, in general, a step towards unifying the particles of the standard model. ...
  • 02:15: Supersymmetry predicts that every single standard model of particle has a supersymmetric partner particle of the opposite type.
  • 02:30: ... are all expected to be way more massive than their known partners in the standard model. ...
  • 08:34: Physicists are having trouble accounting for these events with any known standard model particle, which brings us back to supersymmetry.
  • 09:39: This particle is also not in the standard model but has nothing to do with supersymmetry.
  • 11:31: So have we gone beyond the standard model and proved supersymmetry?
  • 01:30: ... is a proposed extension to the standard model, designed to fix certain issues with the theory, the most serious issue being that ...
  • 00:59: But the standard model isn't the end of the story.
  • 08:34: Physicists are having trouble accounting for these events with any known standard model particle, which brings us back to supersymmetry.

2018-11-07: Why String Theory is Right

  • 03:24: Let's actually start with the regular old point particles of the standard model.

2018-10-31: Are Virtual Particles A New Layer of Reality?

  • 02:01: So quantum field theory is the machinery behind the standard model of particle physics.

2018-10-25: Will We Ever Find Alien Life?

  • 14:26: It's not even the 19-ish free parameters of the standard model.

2018-10-18: What are the Strings in String Theory?

  • 00:47: This is why the standard model of particle physics is considered incomplete.
  • 01:06: And then there's gravity, which doesn't fit into the standard model at all.
  • 07:42: Compare that one parameter to the 19 free parameters of the standard model.

2018-09-20: Quantum Gravity and the Hardest Problem in Physics

  • 10:05: So perturbation theory is applied throughout quantum field theories of the standard model.

2018-08-23: How Will the Universe End?

  • 06:13: According to the standard model of particle physics, they should last forever.

2018-07-11: Quantum Invariance & The Origin of The Standard Model

  • 00:03: ... standard model of particle physics is the most successful, most accurate physical ...
  • 00:55: The most amazing example of this is the standard model of particle physics.
  • 00:59: Today, I'm going to open the first portal of the standard model and show you the origin of the electromagnetic field.
  • 01:07: To appreciate the theoretical whirlwind that is the standard model, we need to introduce the idea of a gauge theory.
  • 02:03: Newton's laws of motion and gravity, Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism, Einstein's general relativity, and of course, the standard model.
  • 02:20: Today, we're going to look at the simplest of the symmetries of the standard model.
  • 02:24: The standard model is ultimately based on quantum field theory, but we're going to use the Schrodinger equation.
  • 09:41: It turns out that local phase invariance is just the simplest of the larger suite of gauge symmetries of the standard model.
  • 10:21: Together, they govern the interactions of the metaparticles of the standard model.
  • 10:49: And following those mathematical labyrinths reveals physical theory with stunning predictive power, like the standard model of particle physics.
  • 11:10: Last time on Space Time Journal Club, we looked at a new result potentially detecting a particle beyond the standard model, the sterile neutrino.
  • 11:20: Sebastian Elytron says that the standard model won't change for unverified discoveries, it has standards.

2018-07-04: Will A New Neutrino Change The Standard Model?

  • 00:18: ... at a paper that reports a compelling hint of a new particle outside the standard model, the sterile ...
  • 01:09: ... being the first expansion of the standard model family since the Higgs boson, sterile neutrinos are a candidate for dark ...
  • 02:10: ... going to drop through the standard model of particle physics, electric charge and antimatter, the bizarreness of ...
  • 02:25: ... the standard model of particle physics-- as we'll see in upcoming episodes, these particles ...
  • 04:23: ... is where we need to expand our picture of the particles of the standard model a little and open up the possibility of the sterile neutrino's ...
  • 06:06: They aren't part of the standard model because, until now, we had no concrete evidence that they exist.
  • 06:51: ... require the neutrino to be its own antiparticle and would break the standard model even more than the existence of the sterile ...
  • 07:52: According to the standard model, that oscillation should be extremely rare over the very tiny distance of the neutrino beam.
  • 07:59: A lot more muon neutrinos made the transition to electron neutrino than was expected according to the basic standard model.
  • 09:05: If this is right, then it's the first particle outside the standard model since the Higgs boson.
  • 01:09: ... being the first expansion of the standard model family since the Higgs boson, sterile neutrinos are a candidate for dark ...

2018-05-16: Noether's Theorem and The Symmetries of Reality

  • 08:08: They predict a rich family of conserved charges that govern the interactions of the particles of the standard model.
  • 08:22: The entire standard model of particle physics is what we call a gauge theory.

2017-11-22: Suicide Space Robots

  • 12:20: ... current, beyond standard model theory, has a lot of trouble explaining why it produces the tiny energy ...

2017-11-02: The Vacuum Catastrophe

  • 06:19: An extension to the standard model of particle physics called supersymmetry may partially allow this.

2017-10-04: When Quasars Collide STJC

  • 11:06: The standard model of particle physics contains 26 independent parameters, things like the coupling constants and the masses of each particle type.

2017-09-28: Are the Fundamental Constants Changing?

  • 00:50: ... example, the standard model of particle physics is comprised of equations that predict the existence ...
  • 01:00: ... the standard model also depends on a set of constants that cannot be predicted by that ...

2017-08-16: Extraterrestrial Superstorms

  • 14:04: It really takes my facial hair beyond the standard model.

2017-07-12: Solving the Impossible in Quantum Field Theory

  • 11:41: The results led to the standard model of particle physics.

2017-07-07: Feynman's Infinite Quantum Paths

  • 15:30: ... QFT has been tested with stunning success and is the foundation of the standard model, string theory is untested and may have nothing to do with ...

2017-06-21: Anti-Matter and Quantum Relativity

  • 11:03: ... of quantum field and quantum field theory and the development of the standard model of particle physics, which have become our best description of the ...

2016-09-07: Is There a Fifth Fundamental Force? + Quantum Eraser Answer

  • 02:20: Such a particle would be a mild extension of the standard model, not too crazy, but certainly brand new physics.

2016-06-08: New Fundamental Particle Discovered?? + Challenge Winners!

  • 00:00: ... of a brand new particle, one that does not fit anywhere within the standard model of particle ...
  • 00:12: If true, this would be the first clue of anything beyond the standard model from the LHC.
  • 00:18: ... the standard model is basically the periodic table of fundamental particles and forces that ...
  • 00:30: Even the incredible discovery of the Higgs bosun in 2012 was a confirmation of the final particle of the standard model.
  • 02:17: This suggests a new particle with a mass much larger than anything in the standard model.
  • 03:25: ... supersymmetry and as yet unproven, but a pretty popular extension to the standard model. ...

2015-09-23: Does Dark Matter BREAK Physics?

  • 02:02: The standard model of particle physics is basically the periodic table of known fundamental particles and fields.
  • 06:41: This is a funky extension to the standard model of particle physics.
  • 06:46: ... theory predict the existence of a set of counterparts to the familiar standard model particles, but that are hundreds of times more ...

2015-05-20: The Real Meaning of E=mc²

  • 06:57: At least in the standard model of particle physics, they're not made up of smaller parts, so where does their mass come from?
50 result(s) shown.