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2022-05-18: What If the Galactic Habitable Zone LIMITS Intelligent Life?

  • 00:24: ... and sustaining life, as we discussed  in our episode on the rare earth hypothesis.   But if you want life, one of the  only non-negotiable ...

2019-11-11: Does Life Need a Multiverse to Exist?

  • 13:09: ... the last episode we discussed the Rare Earth Hypothesis - the idea that planets supporting intelligent life may be extremely ...

2019-11-04: Why We Might Be Alone in the Universe

  • 02:40: ... rare earth hypothesis posits exactly this - that a range of factors made Earth exceptionally ...
  • 03:58: ... the Rare Earth hypothesis is a little more optimistic - it states that planets capable of spawning ...
  • 11:24: The question raised by the rare earth hypothesis is just how lucky were we?

2018-10-25: Will We Ever Find Alien Life?

  • 10:00: But you can look into the Rare Earth Hypothesis or the GIAIAN bottleneck hypothesis for some plausible proposals.
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