Search PBS Space Time


2021-01-12: What Happens During a Quantum Jump?

  • 12:06: ... and perhaps even whether the quantum world is built upon fundamentally random processes, or is driven by rigidly deterministic mechanic of space ...

2020-11-11: Can Free Will be Saved in a Deterministic Universe?

  • 06:08: ... idea of random processes driving our choices doesn't really sound like free will, so is there any ...
  • 08:16: ... go into making it, either in principle or in practice, because unknown random processes are at work, and/or perfect measurement is not possible for any entity ...
  • 11:37: ... generating this phenomenon, which is founded in either deterministic or random processes, then the phenomenon is an ...
  • 06:08: ... idea of random processes driving our choices doesn't really sound like free will, so is there any ...

2019-08-19: What Happened Before the Big Bang?

  • 05:07: But it wouldn't end as a random process, it wouldn't require quantum tunneling to get started.
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