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2021-10-13: New Results in Quantum Tunneling vs. The Speed of Light

  • 02:22: In radioactive decay, particles that should never have enough energy to escape the nucleus are found to leak out.
  • 03:55: We see tunneling everywhere, in radioactive decay of course, but this tunneling also drives many other important processes.
  • 02:22: In radioactive decay, particles that should never have enough energy to escape the nucleus are found to leak out.

2021-04-07: Why the Muon g-2 Results Are So Exciting!

  • 07:11: Muons are nice, because they're easily produced in radioactive decay.

2021-03-23: Zeno's Paradox & The Quantum Zeno Effect

  • 05:23: ... in principle this would also work for radioactive decay, even chemical reactions The basic idea of the quantum Zeno effect was ...

2020-11-04: Electroweak Theory and the Origin of the Fundamental Forces

  • 01:02: You may have heard that it’s the force responsible for some types of radioactive decay.

2020-07-08: Does Antimatter Explain Why There's Something Rather Than Nothing?

  • 05:43: ... - are created all the time in nature - for example in the Sun, or in radioactive decay, or when cosmic rays hit the atmosphere, which is how antimatter was ...

2020-05-04: How We Know The Universe is Ancient

  • 00:17: ... recent episode we learned how we calculate the age of the Earth based on radioactive decay in its most ancient ...

2020-04-07: How We Know The Earth Is Ancient

  • 06:47: ... Rutherford, discovered that certain elements released energy from radioactive decay at an ever-decreasing rate. And that some of those elements would slowly ...

2020-03-16: How Do Quantum States Manifest In The Classical World?

  • 00:20: ... is in an opaque box with a vial of deadly poison that’s released on the radioactive decay of an ...

2020-03-03: Does Quantum Immortality Save Schrödinger's Cat?

  • 02:25: As a refresher: a cat is in an opaque box with a vial of deadly poison, which is released on the radioactive decay of an atom.
  • 02:33: ... a totally random 50-50 chance of the radioactive decay over a certain period of time - that means the quantum wavefunction of ...

2019-06-06: The Alchemy of Neutron Star Collisions

  • 02:47: ... nuclei produced in the r-process are unstable these isotopes undergo radioactive decay into lighter elements after being created in a neutron star collision ...

2016-10-26: The Many Worlds of the Quantum Multiverse

  • 02:51: That radioactive decay is a purely quantum process.
  • 05:23: ... if the family of possible states extends beyond the radioactive decay, beyond the cat, and includes the observer and, indeed, the entire ...
  • 05:33: ... it's because we're part of an entire quantum timeline in which the radioactive decay and subsequent poisoning never ...

2016-07-20: The Future of Gravitational Waves

  • 05:41: ... tunnel out of the nucleus of a polonium-212 atom, causing the atom's radioactive decay. ...

2016-06-01: Is Quantum Tunneling Faster than Light?

  • 04:41: When it's an alpha particle escaping a nucleus, this is one of the most important mechanisms for radioactive decay.
13 result(s) shown.