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2020-03-16: How Do Quantum States Manifest In The Classical World?

  • 03:37: ... spin depends on how you choose to measure it - it depends on your “measurement basis.” And a well defined spin direction in one basis can be expressed as a ...
  • 05:32: ... if I measure the spin of one particle - say the electron - my choice of measurement basis defines the spin of the positron. If I measure the electron in the ...
  • 09:56: ... device doesn’t “collapse the wavefunction.” It doesn't settle measurement basis. So where does that happen? In order for us to be aware of a measurement ...
  • 05:32: ... if I measure the spin of one particle - say the electron - my choice of measurement basis defines the spin of the positron. If I measure the electron in the vertical ...

2019-05-09: Why Quantum Computing Requires Quantum Cryptography

  • 11:45: ... measurements will be correlated in a way that depends on the choice of measurement basis at both ...
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