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2020-06-30: Dissolving an Event Horizon

  • 00:09: At least, so says the cosmic censorship hypothesis.
  • 01:30: ... the dire consequences, Roger Penrose proposed the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis - which basically states that every gravitational singularity ...
  • 01:42: ... episode we’re going to look deeper at why many physicists believe the cosmic censorship hypothesis must be true - even without knowing exactly WHY it’s ...
  • 06:58: ... cosmic censorship hypothesis tells us that something will always stop a gravitational ...
  • 10:39: But there still isn’t an underlying understanding of why - or even if - cosmic censorship must be maintained.
  • 10:48: In fact, if you define the cosmic censorship hypothesis in more technical terms, it seems that physics should allow its violation.
  • 10:59: ... really understand that problem, and the implications of the cosmic censorship hypothesis being true or not, you’ll have to wait for an upcoming deeper ...
  • 00:09: At least, so says the cosmic censorship hypothesis.
  • 01:30: ... the dire consequences, Roger Penrose proposed the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis - which basically states that every gravitational singularity must be ...
  • 01:42: ... episode we’re going to look deeper at why many physicists believe the cosmic censorship hypothesis must be true - even without knowing exactly WHY it’s ...
  • 06:58: ... cosmic censorship hypothesis tells us that something will always stop a gravitational singularity ...
  • 10:48: In fact, if you define the cosmic censorship hypothesis in more technical terms, it seems that physics should allow its violation.
  • 10:59: ... really understand that problem, and the implications of the cosmic censorship hypothesis being true or not, you’ll have to wait for an upcoming deeper dive to ...

2020-04-22: Will Wormholes Allow Fast Interstellar Travel?

  • 11:03: ... or if they’re hidden by an event horizon. Combined with Roger Penrose’ cosmic censorship conjecture, which ensures that all singularities are surrounded by an ...
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