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2020-05-11: How Luminiferous Aether Led to Relativity

  • 06:22: ... bow on it by demonstrating the existence of the luminiferous aether as a classical medium for the propagation of ...
  • 11:04: ... to be no luminiferous aether - at least, not one that resembled a classical medium for wave propagation. The speed of light appeared to be independent of ...
  • 12:25: ... that the aether is disproved - but let’s be clear. The aether as a classical medium for light is dead. However the general concept of the aether sort of has ...

2017-01-11: The EM Drive: Fact or Fantasy?

  • 08:18: ... the quantum vacuum is some sort of almost classical medium, then they argue that the EmDrive could push off it, leaving a wake of ...
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