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2018-12-12: Quantum Physics in a Mirror Universe

  • 00:02: ... you can see that the spin of the nucleus which we represent with the angular momentum vector along the axis is not changed it's still spinning in the same direction ...

2015-05-06: Should the First Mars Mission Be All Women?

  • 09:14: Fortstorm asks, wouldn't a rotating stations have trouble turning because its angular momentum vector would have trouble being shifted?

2015-03-25: Cosmic Microwave Background Explained

  • 05:50: ... trick was to cancel out all the intermediate angular momentum vectors produced as a flywheel with forward-pointing angular momentum rotates to ...

2015-03-18: Can A Starfox Barrel Roll Work In Space?

  • 02:23: To do that, the shipments needs to acquire a forward-pointing angular momentum vector.
  • 03:47: So its angular momentum vector points toward the nose of the ship, which here is the top of your screen.
  • 04:23: That, combined with the wheel's angular momentum, nets out to the same total angular momentum vector we began with.
  • 06:18: In the process, both of flipping and of flipping back, its angular momentum vector sweeps through a bunch of partially-sideways directions.
  • 06:25: To compensate, the ship would have to do some wonky rotating as the flywheel flips, in order to keep the total angular momentum vector unchanged.
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