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2022-08-24: What Makes The Strong Force Strong?

  • 19:07: Yes, they very much would. So changing quintessence means changing strength of dark energy, which means changing rate of accelerating expansion!

2022-08-17: What If Dark Energy is a New Quantum Field?

  • 07:31: ... there’s a final reason to look for a mechanism for accelerating expansion due being some other than quantum fluctuations. It’s because we know ...
  • 11:51: ... driven by its equation of state. Any value of omega less than -⅓ means accelerating expansion, and omega -1 is a constant energy density. Quintessence is often used to ...

2022-03-30: Could The Universe Be Inside A Black Hole?

  • 02:22: ... the accelerating expansion of the universe means the cosmological event horizon is closer to us ...

2021-08-18: How Vacuum Decay Would Destroy The Universe

  • 11:34: ... vacuum decay starts beyond several billion   light years, the accelerating expansion of the universe will throw us away from it faster than ...

2021-02-17: Gravitational Wave Background Discovered?

  • 00:00: ... time before the big bang cosmic inflation was driving exponentially accelerating expansion and huge gravitational waves would have been produced in the phase ...

2019-09-30: How Many Universes Are There?

  • 01:31: ... inflating – the inflaton field in that patch loses its energy and so accelerating expansion stops ...
  • 06:31: ... energy were much stronger then our universe would have restarted its accelerating expansion too quickly for galaxies and stars and life to ever ...
  • 01:31: ... inflating – the inflaton field in that patch loses its energy and so accelerating expansion stops ...

2019-09-16: Could We Terraform Mars?

  • 17:20: ... density, then it's possible that it could now be powering the current accelerating expansion that we call dark ...

2019-08-06: What Caused the Big Bang?

  • 00:00: Every astronomy textbook tells us that soon after the Big Bang there was this period of exponentially accelerating expansion called Cosmic Inflation.
  • 03:04: Now, we know that something like this exists because we've observed it in the accelerating expansion produced by dark energy.
  • 00:00: Every astronomy textbook tells us that soon after the Big Bang there was this period of exponentially accelerating expansion called Cosmic Inflation.
  • 03:04: Now, we know that something like this exists because we've observed it in the accelerating expansion produced by dark energy.

2019-03-28: Could the Universe End by Tearing Apart Every Atom?

  • 00:05: ... and dogs living together and then tragically separated by the infinitely accelerating expansion of space on subatomic ...
  • 00:25: ... the volume you increase the overall amount of dark energy hence the accelerating expansion mathematically we describe a constant energy density with the ...
  • 05:51: ... fact, if the parameter is below -1/3 but larger than -1, that's still accelerating expansion but in that case the dark energy is decreasing over ...
  • 00:25: ... the volume you increase the overall amount of dark energy hence the accelerating expansion mathematically we describe a constant energy density with the cosmological constant in ...

2019-03-20: Is Dark Energy Getting Stronger?

  • 01:59: ... textbooks tell us that we can this accelerating expansion is what you expect if empty space has a constant energy density – so ...

2019-02-20: Secrets of the Cosmic Microwave Background

  • 12:34: ... modern galaxies and clusters and the dark energy based on measuring the accelerating expansion rate of the Universe So that's how you lay bare the secrets of the ...

2019-01-09: Are Dark Matter And Dark Energy The Same?

  • 02:33: So why does it result in an outward-pushing, accelerating expansion?
  • 03:42: And a positive Lambda means accelerating expansion.
  • 10:40: But then that deceleration turned around as dark energy kicked in, resulting in the current accelerating expansion.

2018-10-03: How to Detect Extra Dimensions

  • 08:27: To us, that would look like an accelerating expansion of the universe.

2018-08-23: How Will the Universe End?

  • 03:13: ... before the last red dwarf fades out, the accelerating expansion of the universe will have dragged all galaxies beyond the Virgo ...
  • 09:09: ... stuff in the universe will become more and more diffuse and dim as the accelerating expansion of space continues and the infinitely long progression to absolute heat ...

2018-04-11: The Physics of Life (ft. It's Okay to be Smart & PBS Eons!)

  • 12:44: But the accelerating expansion of the universe will prevent any photons emitted today from galaxies at that distance or beyond from ever reaching us.

2018-02-14: What is Energy?

  • 10:48: This leads to effects like dark energy and the accelerating expansion of the universe.

2017-11-08: Zero-Point Energy Demystified

  • 00:53: ... the other hand, our observations of the accelerating expansion of the universe suggest a vacuum energy density of only 10 to the power ...

2017-11-02: The Vacuum Catastrophe

  • 07:20: ... unlike the Lamb shift or the Casimir effect, the observation of accelerating expansion allows us to measure the absolute density of vacuum ...

2017-10-25: The Missing Mass Mystery

  • 11:45: This leads to the unintuitive result that it acts repulsively, accelerating expansion.

2017-10-19: The Nature of Nothing

  • 10:14: The observation is the accelerating expansion of the universe.

2016-11-09: Did Dark Energy Just Disappear?

  • 01:46: They claim the data are consistent with there being no dark energy; no accelerating expansion.
  • 03:51: An accelerating expansion is still preferred, it's just that a non-accelerating history is not excluded with quite the same confidence.
  • 11:18: It's not even like accelerating expansion is that weird anymore.

2016-05-18: Anti-gravity and the True Nature of Dark Energy

  • 11:01: But both agree that a constant energy density and the resulting negative pressure leads to accelerating expansion.

2016-05-04: Will Starshot's Insterstellar Journey Succeed?

  • 08:35: ... last episode, we talked about how dark energy causes this exponentially accelerating expansion of the universe and you guys had a lot to say in the ...

2016-04-27: What Does Dark Energy Really Do?

  • 06:50: ... discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe earned both teams the Nobel Prize in 2011, and it's ...
  • 07:10: However, this accelerating expansion can be explained with the same bit of math, the cosmological constant, pointing to the same physics, dark energy.
  • 08:59: That's exponential growth, and it looks like an accelerating expansion.

2016-03-02: What’s Wrong With the Big Bang Theory?

  • 07:52: ... out its temperature and then enter the state of insane, exponentially accelerating expansion in which it increased in size by a factor of at least 10 to the power of ...
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