2022-08-24: What Makes The Strong Force Strong?
- 17:53: ... tool to describe fluctuation quantum fields, what does that mean for Hawking radiation? ...
- 18:07: After all, Hawking radiation is sometimes portrayed as a virtual particle-antiparticle pair being separated by a black hole event horizon.
- 18:49: I suggest searching for hawking radiation in our channel’s search window of an unreasonably deep dive into all of that.
2022-06-22: Is Interstellar Travel Impossible?
- 18:11: ... from the entangled particles that emerge from a black hole as Hawking radiation, could we in principle learn about the inside of the black hole, given ...
- 18:31: ... answer is yes - if hawking radiation really is entangled with the black hole then in principle we can learn ...
- 19:18: The answer is that we’ve never detected hawking radiation, but several lines of pretty sound reasoning indicate it must be real.
- 19:45: Check out our hawking radiation episode for a pretty details description.
2022-06-15: Can Wormholes Solve The Black Hole Information Paradox?
- 03:20: ... But those virtual particle pairs are entangled, which means that Hawking radiation and the interior of the black hole are entangled. The ...
- 04:44: ... might wonder if the Hawking radiation itself can serve as an escape route for that ...
- 05:20: ... exact evolution of von Neumann entropy that must occur if Hawking radiation is our information escape route from the black hole. Any theory ...
- 08:14: ... as its geometry changes with each outgoing particle of Hawking radiation. ...
- 08:36: ... to get a proper calculation of the von Neuman entropy of Hawking radiation, you need to consider all transitional states of the evaporating ...
- 11:13: ... you end up with a new equation for the entropy of the Hawking radiation. ...
- 04:44: ... might wonder if the Hawking radiation itself can serve as an escape route for that information. But according ...
- 05:20: ... information leaks out this way, then the von Neumann entropy of Hawking radiation should rise over time as more and more radiation is ...
- 12:09: ... island rule, the physicists found that the von Neumann entropy of Hawking radiation exactly follows the Page curve. Somehow these imaginary ...
2022-05-04: Space DOES NOT Expand Everywhere
- 11:22: ... to something called the transplanckian problem, which is to do with how Hawking radiation seems to emerge from sub-Planck-wavelength radiation at the event ...
2022-04-20: Does the Universe Create Itself?
- 16:10: ... of you asked about the possibility of detecting Hawking radiation in the case that the universe is a black hole. Actually, we should ...
2022-03-30: Could The Universe Be Inside A Black Hole?
- 10:48: ... Stephen Hawking once showed that if a black hole is leaking its mass via Hawking radiation in perfect equilibrium with the radiation that it absorbs - for example, ...
2022-02-16: Is The Wave Function The Building Block of Reality?
- 18:15: ... asks a related question, but now it’s for black holes that shrink due to Hawking radiation. This is a lot more speculative. Some physicists think that the Hawking ...
- 18:37: ... a black hole, but in its formation, but in its original formulation Hawking radiation is supposed to be completely random - information free - and so that ...
2022-01-27: How Does Gravity Escape A Black Hole?
- 09:56: That’s ignoring the whole Hawking radiation, black hole evaporation thing.
2021-12-20: What Happens If A Black Hole Hits Earth?
- 03:00: ... then they'd have all evaporated by now by leaking away their mass in Hawking radiation. ...
2021-11-17: Are Black Holes Actually Fuzzballs?
- 03:13: Black holes evaporate by emitting Hawking radiation.
- 03:17: ... talked about this previously, but the TL;DW is that Hawking radiation should be completely random, and so leaks away the black hole’s mass ...
- 07:53: For instance, the profile of the radiation emitted by the strings precisely matched that of traditional Hawking radiation.
2021-05-25: What If (Tiny) Black Holes Are Everywhere?
- 01:01: He showed that black holes must radiate, and so slowly leak away their mass in what we now call Hawking radiation.
- 01:35: To understand Planck relics we need a quick review of Hawking radiation.
- 02:36: In the common pop-sci description of Hawking radiation you often hear about particle-antiparticle pairs appearing at the event horizon.
- 03:08: ... such black holes the Hawking radiation is just photons - electromagnetic waves with kilometers-long ...
- 03:25: But as the black hole shrinks in mass and in size, its Hawking radiation also decreases in wavelength - but it increases in energy.
- 03:45: ... and we only have black holes, which one by one vanish in bright pops of Hawking radiation. ...
- 03:57: These days most physicists agree that Hawking radiation is a thing.
- 04:26: ... near the black hole with a very distant zero-gravity region where the Hawking radiation is ...
- 06:05: In which case the Hawking radiation ceases, and the black hole becomes stable.
- 06:11: If it happens at all, it’ll be when the average energy of the Hawking radiation is close to the entire rest-mass energy of the remaining black hole.
- 09:02: ... is that they may solve a vexing difficulty that was introduced with Hawking radiation - the black hole information ...
- 06:05: In which case the Hawking radiation ceases, and the black hole becomes stable.
2021-05-11: How To Know If It's Aliens
- 14:48: ... extreme curvature in the warp bubble walls should produce something like Hawking radiation, which may obliterate anything trying to ride in a warp ...
2021-04-13: What If Dark Matter Is Just Black Holes?
- 06:06: We can rule these out because by now all of these would have evaporated as Hawking radiation.
2020-07-20: The Boundary Between Black Holes & Neutron Stars
- 13:34: ... the black hole shrank - but it would itslef be as hopelessly scrambled hawking radiation. ...
2020-06-30: Dissolving an Event Horizon
- 05:29: Normal black holes leak their mass away by emitting Hawking radiation.
- 05:45: In very massive black holes the Hawking radiation has trouble mustering the energy for anything but weak photons.
- 06:21: Hawking radiation is a direct result of there being an event horizon.
2020-06-22: Building Black Holes in a Lab
- 03:26: ... of fluid flow resembles a black hole - right down to the emission of Hawking radiation. The details are a bit dense for YouTube, but I’ll link a lovely paper by ...
- 05:25: ... horizons, physicists can look for black hole-like behavior. For example, Hawking radiation. All the gory details of hawking radiation are in our previous episode, ...
- 06:33: ... of the surface ripples have properties that are closely analogous to Hawking radiation. One aspect of Hawking radiation that can only be studied with analog ...
- 09:19: ... useful as classical analogs are, Hawking radiation is ultimately a quantum mechanical effect. Deeper insights may require ...
- 10:13: ... as with real black holes, some atoms do escape as Hawking radiation. Here you can measure not just the existence, but also the temperature of ...
- 11:04: ... real black holes? Early arguments in the late ‘90s claimed that because Hawking radiation should appear for a variety of systems—you just need some sort of ...
- 11:55: ... acknowledge the experimental evidence of analog Hawking radiation in these other systems means something, and may be complementary ...
- 12:34: ... the bathtub vortex may give us the next great insight into black holes, Hawking radiation, and the nature of the underlying, you guessed it, ...
- 06:33: ... energy. This effect on the black hole is called the backreaction of the Hawking radiation - and actually, it’s somewhat contentious exactly what happens here. In ...
- 11:55: ... not a true proxy. And some remain quite skeptical, claiming that analog Hawking radiation doesn’t even meet the standard of complementary ...
2020-06-15: What Happens After the Universe Ends?
- 07:06: ... will die and their remnants will decay - black holes will evaporate by Hawking radiation, and particles of matter will decay into their lightest possible ...
2020-04-28: Space Time Livestream: Ask Matt Anything
- 00:00: ... black holes may actually of quantum information even through their hawking radiation and to answer why I'm gonna read the question from from Bob dead I ...
2020-01-27: Hacking the Nature of Reality
- 11:58: ... understanding the internal physics, Steven Hawking's derivation of Hawking Radiation. ...
2019-10-15: Loop Quantum Gravity Explained
- 11:20: ... has some other successes, for example, the theory seems to predict Hawking radiation and black hole entropy consistent with Hawking and Bekenstein’s ...
2019-04-10: The Holographic Universe Explained
- 02:01: Steven Hawking confirmed the Bekenstein bound by calculating the amount of information leaked by a black hole as it evaporated in Hawking radiation.
- 02:11: ... discovery of Hawking radiation led to the black hole information paradox, because this radiation was ...
- 02:30: ... that fell into the black hole could be imprinted on that outgoing Hawking radiation. ...
- 02:11: ... discovery of Hawking radiation led to the black hole information paradox, because this radiation was ...
2019-04-03: The Edge of an Infinite Universe
- 08:09: The most famous use of this is by Steven Hawking, as we saw in our Hawking radiation episode.
- 08:44: He concluded that the black hole must generate particles – Hawking radiation.
- 08:09: The most famous use of this is by Steven Hawking, as we saw in our Hawking radiation episode.
2018-11-07: Why String Theory is Right
- 15:40: Those horizons perturb the vacuum which can lead to the creation of very real particles, as in Hawking radiation.
2018-10-31: Are Virtual Particles A New Layer of Reality?
- 00:21: Near black holes, virtual matter and antimatter pairs are separated by the event horizon to create Hawking radiation.
- 10:59: The classic example of this is Hawking radiation.
- 11:50: ... also did episodes on these, and just like with Hawking radiation, you don't need for virtual particles to have an independent existence to ...
2018-10-18: What are the Strings in String Theory?
- 14:22: ... mentioned in the video that you'd read off the result in Hawking radiation, which would take until long after the last star in universe has died to ...
- 14:33: The slow readout by Hawking radiation is equivalent to the time dilation issue.
2018-10-10: Computing a Universe Simulation
- 10:26: ... you can only read out the simulation results in Hawking radiation as those black holes evaporate, which will take 10 to the power of 70 ...
2018-09-20: Quantum Gravity and the Hardest Problem in Physics
- 03:33: ... from the universe, especially when those black holes evaporate via Hawking radiation. ...
- 03:50: But that same Hawking radiation offers part of the solution to the information paradox.
- 03:54: ... by black holes can be radiated back out into the universe via their Hawking radiation. ...
- 04:07: In a sense, both the source and the solution to the information paradox came from the discover of Hawking radiation.
- 12:57: If our modern understanding of Hawking radiation is right, they will evaporate catastrophically long before they reach you.
- 03:50: But that same Hawking radiation offers part of the solution to the information paradox.
2018-09-12: How Much Information is in the Universe?
- 13:24: Spencer Twiddy is amused at my use of the word "prompt" for the time scale of evaporation by Hawking radiation.
2018-09-05: The Black Hole Entropy Enigma
- 02:55: From there it could be imprinted on the outgoing Hawking radiation, allowing the information to escape back into the universe.
- 05:30: And then why not radiate the entropy back into the universe as Hawking radiation?
- 06:09: So you know how nothing can escape black holes, ignoring Hawking radiation for the moment.
- 06:48: But there's one property of black holes that no process other than Hawking radiation can decrease.
- 08:56: In 1974, a year after Bekenstein's first paper on black-hole thermodynamics, Hawking published his first Hawking radiation paper.
- 02:55: From there it could be imprinted on the outgoing Hawking radiation, allowing the information to escape back into the universe.
- 08:56: In 1974, a year after Bekenstein's first paper on black-hole thermodynamics, Hawking published his first Hawking radiation paper.
2018-08-23: How Will the Universe End?
- 07:38: But all black holes evaporate over time via Hawking radiation, something we've discussed in detail.
- 08:14: ... holes themselves can be used as engines through Hawking radiation, as we've also discussed previously, but also via other mechanisms that ...
- 11:14: ... to the power of 10 to the power of 26 years, then promptly evaporate by Hawking radiation. ...
2018-06-20: The Black Hole Information Paradox
- 00:44: It gradually leaks away through Hawking radiation over unthinkably long time scales.
- 00:50: But in a way, that same Hawking radiation may be more destructive than the black hole itself.
- 00:59: The apparent destruction of quantum information by Hawking radiation defies our current understanding of quantum mechanics.
- 02:38: But this is where Hawking radiation comes in.
- 02:40: Hawking radiation is like a cosmic whiteboard eraser.
- 03:20: In other words, Hawking radiation should look exactly like the thermal radiation of heat.
- 03:39: The key here is that Hawking radiation doesn't depend at all on what the black hole is made of.
- 04:41: ... quantum-field theory are correct as we currently understand them, then Hawking radiation must exist, and it must erase quantum ...
- 05:55: The competing idea is that the information of everything that falls into the black hole becomes imprinted on the Hawking radiation itself.
- 06:49: To resolve the bet, physicists had to figure out how quantum information could be transferred to Hawking radiation.
- 06:59: One, there's no known mechanism for that infalling stuff to leave enough of an information imprint to affect Hawking radiation.
- 07:16: ... turns out that by transferring quantum information to Hawking radiation, you may still violate the law of conservation of information just as ...
- 09:03: And, in principle, those distortions could potentially influence outgoing Hawking radiation, allowing them to carry away their information.
- 10:00: ... how the information on an event horizon gets attached to Hawking radiation is still contentious, but a number of physicists have proposed ...
- 10:28: ... him the ashes of one to better reflect the scrambled information in Hawking radiation. ...
- 10:51: ... suggests that each particle of Hawking radiation should be simultaneously entangled with the interior of the black hole ...
- 09:03: And, in principle, those distortions could potentially influence outgoing Hawking radiation, allowing them to carry away their information.
- 00:59: The apparent destruction of quantum information by Hawking radiation defies our current understanding of quantum mechanics.
- 03:39: The key here is that Hawking radiation doesn't depend at all on what the black hole is made of.
2018-06-13: What Survives Inside A Black Hole?
- 13:53: ... most likely get radiated back out over countless of billions of years as Hawking radiation where it can be collected and giggled at by a future super-advanced ...
2018-05-23: Why Quantum Information is Never Destroyed
- 09:50: That's the case of black holes and Hawking radiation.
2018-05-09: How Gaia Changed Astronomy Forever
- 09:44: A popular one seems to be, rotating black holes or harvesting Hawking radiation from black holes.
2018-04-11: The Physics of Life (ft. It's Okay to be Smart & PBS Eons!)
- 12:59: ... horizon should produce a type of Hawking radiation, but its wavelength would be comparable to the distance to that horizon, ...
- 13:17: The inflating universe should have been bathed in intense Hawking radiation.
2018-04-04: The Unruh Effect
- 06:00: And just as with Hawking radiation, that horizon cuts off your access to certain fundamental frequency modes of the quantum vacuum.
- 06:31: Those particles should have the same type of spectrum as Hawking radiation, a thermal spectrum.
- 06:47: In the case of Hawking radiation, an inertial observer far from the black hole sees the radiation.
- 07:00: The only observers who don't see Hawking radiation are those plummeting in freefall towards the event horizon.
- 10:29: ... seen by someone hovering at the event horizon and the particles of Hawking radiation seen by a distant ...
2018-03-15: Hawking Radiation
- 00:30: This is "Space Time." And it's time for Hawking radiation.
- 01:43: They should admit what we now know as Hawking radiation.
- 01:47: There's a popular description of how Hawking radiation works.
- 02:40: ... quantum field theory of curved space time to glimpse the true nature of Hawking radiation. ...
- 07:14: The nature of the lost modes tells us what Hawking radiation should look like.
- 08:51: Remember that Hawking radiation has wavelengths the size of the event horizon, the size of the entire black hole.
- 09:06: Hawking radiation must appear to come from the global black hole.
- 09:36: We'll look at its relationship to Hawking radiation in the future.
- 09:39: By the way, Hawking radiation is mostly going to be photons and other massless particles.
- 10:17: ... example, in 2001, Parikh and Wilczek got the same thermal spectrum for Hawking radiation by thinking about particles escaping from beneath the event horizon ...
- 11:00: It's hard to make Hawking radiation go away in the math.
- 11:13: Without a full quantum theory of gravity, the origin of Hawking radiation will remain mysterious.
- 11:32: ... then there's the famous information paradox in which Hawking radiation appears to destroy what should be a conserved quantity-- quantum ...
- 01:47: There's a popular description of how Hawking radiation works.
2018-01-24: The End of the Habitable Zone
- 11:50: [INAUDIBLE] makes a good point about the pop sci explanation of Hawking radiation.
- 12:13: In fact, as far as I know, there is no derivation of Hawking radiation that invokes the splitting of particle-antiparticle pairs.
2018-01-17: Horizon Radiation
- 01:53: ... coming episodes, we will be delving into Hawking radiation and the Unruh effect, both of which are very similar and are results of ...
- 02:03: ... are a couple of compelling, but inaccurate explanations of Hawking radiation around, and here at Space Time, we want to be as simple as we can, but ...
- 11:46: In upcoming episodes, we'll apply these ideas to finally understand Unruh and Hawking radiation.
2017-12-06: Understanding the Uncertainty Principle with Quantum Fourier Series
- 00:16: ... Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and ultimately, quantum fields and Hawking radiation. ...
- 01:25: If we fully unravel this idea, we'll be on the verge of tackling things like Hawking radiation.
- 10:12: So what does this old-school quantum mechanics have to do with quantum field theory and Hawking radiation?
- 11:01: ... how the quantum vacuum changes to give us phenomena like Unruh and Hawking radiation, which you will soon understand as some of the weirdest behaviors of ...
2017-11-22: Suicide Space Robots
- 12:39: So thanks for keeping us straight Tommy Atkins asks what about Hawking radiation?
- 12:46: Hawking radiation is related to this whole vacuum energy virtual particle thing.
- 12:53: This stuff is just a prelude to doing Hawking radiation and doing it properly.
2017-10-25: The Missing Mass Mystery
- 12:21: ... speed of light, can't they escape the event horizon of black holes via Hawking radiation? ...
2017-10-19: The Nature of Nothing
- 03:07: We'll come back to those when we talk about Hawking radiation in the future.
2016-12-21: Have They Seen Us?
- 14:57: ... so the final burst of Hawking radiation as a black hole evaporates will be accompanied by all of the remaining ...
- 15:16: Its matter became part of the black hole and re-emerges as that Hawking radiation.
2016-12-08: What Happens at the Event Horizon?
- 01:07: ... ignoring the complications of Hawking radiation or black hole rotational growth, the simplest black hole of Einstein's ...
2016-11-16: Strange Stars
- 13:09: ... I'm going to have to go through the black hole information paradox, Hawking radiation, some string theory, the holographic principle, other ...
2016-10-12: Black Holes from the Dawn of Time
- 04:19: They would have all evaporated away due to Hawking radiation.
- 07:24: ... course, primordial black holes that have already evaporated due to Hawking radiation definitely are not dark matter, and that rules out any PBHs lighter than ...
- 09:38: However, through a deposit something like a billion joules of Hawking radiation on its way through.
2016-08-24: Should We Build a Dyson Sphere?
- 07:22: ... can be harvested from a black hole, either from the Hawking radiation, from heat generated from infalling material, or by extracting angular ...
- 07:43: ... the Hawking radiation from an artificial black hole is appealing, because once formed, we ...
- 07:54: ... to pump new matter into the proton-sized Kugelblitz against the tide of Hawking radiation. ...
2015-10-28: Is The Alcubierre Warp Drive Possible?
- 04:21: One possible quantum disaster is that the extreme spacetime curvature of the warp bubble walls would roast the interior with crazy Hawking radiation.
2015-10-15: 5 REAL Possibilities for Interstellar Travel
- 08:07: A black hole of the right size radiates Hawking radiation like crazy.
2015-09-23: Does Dark Matter BREAK Physics?
- 08:53: Agen0000, and others, pointed out that Hawking radiation will eventually cause a black hole to evaporate.
- 09:07: And would this save the monkey;s life or fry it in an eternity of Hawking radiation?
- 09:26: And so in its reference frame, the rate of Hawking radiation is not time dilated.
- 09:30: The idea of the event horizon as this boiling hot sea of Hawking radiation isn't right.
- 10:07: The distant observer does witness the instance that the black hole evaporates, with a huge burst of Hawking radiation.
- 09:30: The idea of the event horizon as this boiling hot sea of Hawking radiation isn't right.
2015-08-19: Do Events Inside Black Holes Happen?
- 00:24: That means no Hawking radiation, no string theory, and no quantum anything-- baby steps.
2015-04-01: Is the Moon in Majora’s Mask a Black Hole?
- 06:11: Well, Hawking radiation, for one.
53 result(s) shown.